Ultimate Media On The Cloud

The solution to save all your medias / assets to Cloud Services such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Wasabi, Digital Ocean. 

The big advantages of saving medias to cloud service are: saving the bandwidth, less hosting space usage, reduce resource loading to increase website loading speed.



Lifetime Updates & Support

Once time purchase


If you don’t need the migration feature, then the Lite Version is enough to serve your purpose. We will work hard to bring more and more features to the plugin to support you better. Stay with us with the updates! 


Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.

Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud partners integrate their industry-leading tools with Cloud Storage for enhanced support with everything from security and data transfer, to data backup and archive.

Wasabi Cloud Storage

When your data is powered by Wasabi it powers your business. Wasabi is at the core of your enterprise-ready business cloud. For many companies, migrating their data to the cloud.

Digital Ocean Space Storage

Host and deliver static web or application assets such as images, JavaScript, and CSS. Enable the CDN to speed up your end user experience by caching assets.


Easy to Install

Very easy and friendly configurations, you could install and config the plugin within 5 minutes with our available guides in real time set up.

Lifetime Updates

Either you are using our Lite or Pro version. We’ll  work hard to bring a better version upgrade recently with bugs fixes and improvement.

URL Replacement

Your media / asset URLs will be replaced with the cloud URL, and it will load from the third party content media URL.

CloudFront / Multi Accounts

The plugin will support to create and manage multiple cloud accounts, the CloudFront from AWS is also supported


Auto Migration

With auto migration feature, you could migrate all your current assets from the hosting to the Cloud without taking much effort.


Save The Hosting Space

After add / upload your media to your WordPress site, the file will be stored to the cloud and clean up the space, it will help you to save your disk usage.


Increase The Loading Speed

By offload your medias to the third party cloud resource, your website won’t need to load assets, eventualy the loading speed will be improved.


AddOn Supports

Beside the main plugin, we also developed the Add-On, so you could install them as separated plugin and they will work with the main plugin. 

Our Latest AddOn

Browse our developed Add-On, download and install them to work with Ultimate Media On The Cloud.

Digital Ocean Space Storage

Version: 1.1
Compatible: Lite & Pro
Price: FREE

Wasabi Cloud Storage

Version: 1.2
Compatible: Lite & Pro
Price: FREE

Everything you need for cloud solutions

Ultimate Media On The Cloud will help you to integrate with popular online Cloud Services with minimal config, the plugin uploads to the cloud and replace the URL directly from your cloud storage provider, CloudFront or any other CDN.

  • Enable / Disable cloud storage for specifying users
  • Inline Creating Buckets
  • Support Migration between Host and Clouds, Cloud and Cloud
  • Unlimited Cloud Accounts
  • Post types filter, no limitation on post types setting
  • Bucket CORS configuration
  • Support cloud encryption, CloudFront and CDN


Let’s Get Started

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